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As a member of multiple professional organizations, I am bound by their ethical codes. For one example, please see the Principles of Good Practice for the Independent Educational Consultants Association. All potential clients are asked to review these principles. 







Financial Disclosure for the Behavioral Health Industry


I do not accept referral fees from any program or provider. I work only for my client families. 


Transparency in the marketing of behavioral health treatment programs is not legislated like it is in the pharmaceutical industry, although the influence over providers and referrers may be the same. In the interest of full disclosure, like most mental health providers, I may have received reimbursement for travel or meals or other activities in order to visit a program or to meet with representatives of the program in order to learn about their services. In no way do I accept other forms of payments or referral fees from any providers or programs. I may refer to some of these programs, but not all. My objective in meeting with or visiting programs is to evaluate them and be able to provide my clients with the most objective information I can. However, as the articles linked HERE and HERE indicate, my behavior may be influenced in some small part by these reimbursements, even by something as insignificant as the offer of a cup of coffee or a pen with a logo. Therefore, although not required by any professional organization or legislating body, in the interest of ethical conduct, I am providing this notice so that my clients may be aware. I am happy to provide information about such reimbursements by specific programs as requested. 

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